Spray Drying &
Particle Engineering

When developing OINDPs, achieving greater control over the physical properties of a product brings greater control over its bioavailability.

At MOD3 Pharma, our suite of CMC services includes spray drying and particle engineering as part of the product development process.

Combining technical expertise, decades of scientific knowledge, and practical experience, our services play a crucial role in designing dry powder formulations with the optimal physical properties to achieve desired characteristics such as solubility and permeability.

Spray drying

A proven technology for particle engineering and manufacturing dry powders with precise control over particle morphology and physical characteristics, spray drying is particularly beneficial for challenging APIs that require enhanced processability.

Particle Engineering

Particle size, morphology, and uniformity are key quality attributes of OINDPs, making particle engineering an essential technology for the design and manufacture of inhaled therapies. MOD3 Pharma accelerates this complex process, both in terms of evaluating relevant approaches and employing appropriate manufacturing techniques.

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